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Last update: 05. March 2023 (Created: 19. February 2023)


Docker Registry

"The Registry is a stateless, highly scalable server side application that stores and lets you distribute Docker images."


TODO: How to set up docker registry?

When pulling a docker image on Windows the following error can occur: Error response from daemon: Get "https://<address>:<port>/v2/": x509: certificate signed by unknown authority. To generate a certificate use keytool -printcert -sslserver nexus.sie.local:18079 -rfc.

To fix this the certificate of the server hosting the registry must be added to the "Trusted Root Certificates" in the certmgr.msc. In there right click on "Trusted Root Certificates" -> "All Tasks" -> "Import" and the choose the certificate file and then add it. Then restart Docker (best done in Task Manager).

To build a Docker container in Jenkins refer to Build docker container and push to own registry.


docker cp will keep the original file owner. Better use SCP:

Docker x509 error fix on windows: - Import certificate into windows:

Docker consumes a lot of RAM (vmmem.exe):

Ports are not available (Docker Desktop Windows):

net stop winnat
net start winnat
  • copy failed file not found in build context:
  • docker context is the directory the Dockerfile is located in.
  • docker context is the argument at the end (here .): docker build -f dockerfile -t container:v1 .